Friday, November 14, 2008

Projects, Projects Everywhere.......

Last week was school project central. K1 had a History Fair entry due and K2 had a "game made out of a Simple Machine" project due - both on the same day. What's a simple machine? Well - good question!! There are lots of suspects, but the easiest one to make a game out of is the "incline plane" -
so K2 and her dad made a race track.

On Friday when it was due (along with the dwarf hamster exhibit), I got quite a kick out of all the parents carrying big old wooden incline plane games into the school. Very cute!

K1's history project was on Isabella of Spain. A good friend who got me into scrapbooking always told me that all the money I spent on supplies would also be "great for school projects" - oh boy, she wasn't kidding!! K1 got 3rd place individual out of 50 submissions. Pretty cool!

And then last night, as we were eating dinner and I felt our projects were behind us, K1 announced:

"oh, i found out when that memorial model is due"
"Yeah, Friday!"
"Friday next week?"
"No, Friday this week"
"You do realize it is 6:30 PM on a Thursday, right?"
(insert crickets chirping)

- apparently NOT!!

So, we brainstormed and decided to do Arlington National Cemetery. P thought K1 could "cut out some crosses" - oh yeah - right!! So - off to the Hobby Store and with a stroke of very good luck found a cross punch that would work. Love those scrapbook supplies! (and living close to shops! heavenly shops!)
So, K1 punched out 77 crosses, spray painted some Styrofoam (a gimpy dad project, as he has banged up his knee and is on crutches - no, I'm not ready for my 9 year old to be let loose with a can of paint) and glue sticked toothpicks on the back. (joint effort again, 9 year olds and hot glue guns aren't allowed to play together alone yet) Whew. It isn't gorgeous or elaborate - but it is better than a big fat zero.

Lets hope next week is project free. :) Aren't daily homework battles punishment enough for us parents?

1 comment:

Kari said...

And you thought you were done with homework once you left college, didn't you? I bet the teachers snicker with evil glee every time they assign a labor-intensive project. I know I would. ;)