Thursday, March 13, 2008

Finger Knitting

I learned how to crochet in Elementary School, and after many, many false starts, i think i am finally getting the hang of Knitting. I really, really wanted to learn how to knit.

I also wanted to find a way to get my girls interested, but they resisted. They tried the loom for a bit, but became frustrated. Then I happened upon this on YouTube - two girls not much older than my own finger knitting. My Oldest daughter watched it twice, and started finger knitting like crazy. She showed her little sister and at least 4 girls in her class at school. She came home telling me they've formed a "finger knitting club", and has shown people on the bus how to do it. She is worse about her stash of yarn than any full blown knitter I have seen, and now i can get her to go to the store if i promise her a ball of string ( she prefers the cotton Peaches and Cream ) Too funny.

Anyhow, if you have kids - this worked better than i ever expected


Mary in Boston said...

Hey! Nice blog! Loved the video on finger knitting. I might try that.

Welcome to Blogger. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh cool! A bunch of the girls in my son's class went through a very enthusiastic finger knitting phase, earlier this year. For a while they were totally adorned in scarves that they had made themselves. It made me grin to watch them, they were so enthusiastic.