Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We've been sick

And that is a story in itself. Feeling better after anti-biotics.

Ok - so here is the story:
K2 started getting chills last Tuesday night. She had the sniffles and compained that her nose hurt. I am thinking "sinus infection". H was at the Stars game (the one where they lost - he's a jinx)

When Wed morning comes I am not surprised that she feels bad and doesn't want to go to school. I am a bit surprised, however, that she is running around 103 temp.

No school for her and a quick trip to the Dr. When we get to the Dr, she sits down. I go to give them her new insurance card. She starts moaning and walks over to me, i turn to tell her to please sit back down and rest and she proceeds to spew all over the lobby. Nice. GROSS. Poor thing.

We are shown a room RIGHT AWAY! lol. She tells the nurse her throat hurts ( no surprise, she has just hurrled in the lobby - a really nice lobby, or it was) So, they swab her.

By the time the Dr come in the results show that she has strep, which is good - because that is an automatic antibiotic and not the "wait and see if she gets worse" diagnosis that makes me irritable. We can treat her and she can start getting well.

She then throws up on the Dr. Poor things.

It took 2 good days of antibiotics to kick the fever. By Friday, she was bouncing off the walls and back at school. Thank goodness for good medicine. (and the $4 rx at wal mart)

1 comment:

Kari said...

Oooh, she looks miserable in that pic! I'm glad to read that she's doing better now.

I'm going to make note of that method of accelerating the dr's visit! ;)