Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gosh, I really like where I live.....

Over the last few years, we've been in flux. And it has probably affected K1 the most, as she has had 3 elementary school changes. (but all pretty close together) Each change i have agonized over - "will she like the new school - will she find friends?" and As K2 got to school age - the same questions. (only 2 changes for her)

But now, i really think all things are starting to "gel" in a super good way.

Yesterday was K1's first day in summer school ( a gifted program for the city, so it brings many elementary school kids together) In her first period, there were kids from school 3 and school 2. In second period, her best buddy from school 2, and in third period, a girl from school 1 who was in her girl scout troop. How cool is that?

Then we were to MCDonalds and ran into kids from school 3 ( our neighbor). After that to the rec center and ran into K1's good friend from school 1 and K2's good friend from school 2. Seems like its all worked out pretty well.

Oh, and I did try the "work out while the girls swim in the pool below the window" thing. There are 6 lifeguards and for the most part, i could see the kids from the stepper. It worked out well!

Funny thing is they were spotted by one of my most overprotective friends as "unsupervised". Thinking back to my childhood where I ran around unsupervised from the age of 4 and up - its amazing i survived. :)

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