Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WOW - two in one month!

Gee, I must be on a roll!

Hope everyone had a nice Mother's day. I did. My sweet SIL hosted a brunch at her house and it was very nice. In an EXTRA nice step she kept the girls overnight and P & I had an unexpected date night. The girls ate it up, and we got to see Star Trek ( Which is excellent, by the way)
For gifts, i got a handmade plaque from k2, a necklace and a Sewing Machine! Now, i've wanted a sewing machine for a while - but now that it is here, i find it a bit intimidating. I went to a fabric store which was even MORE intimidating! LOL I found a pattern for a simple tote bag, something to practice on. I'm trying to decide if I've got a quilt in me. It sure would get used, and I've seen some pretty ones. Anyhow - mulling that over.
I think P really got me the sewing machine so i would actually clean up my craft room and make a space for it. Probably a good strategy.

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