Monday, July 14, 2008

Iphone - i don't get it

So, Phillip works near an Apple store, and i had jokingly asked if he was going to get in line at 8 to get me a new 2nd gen iPhone. He laughed at the notion that there would be people in a frenzy over it - after all, it was only a 2nd gen. Iphones had been out for a while.

And the 3G network was the only difference and i have a 3G Blackjack, and let me tell you, it is so NOT ready for prime time. I don't ever make it through a call without at least 1 drop, so until the 3G cells get more coverage around here, its no big attraction.

Well, he was WRONG. there were tons of people in line. And the bad part is, you couldn't just walk in and get one and hook it up at home ( like he did on the 1st gen) its a good 30 minute activation process for each and every customer. It was a hot day here friday, the line was still there when he went by at lunch, and people were getting a bit RIPE. (Stinky) They were still there at 5 when he went home.
Here is the line at 5 - notice the door is around the corner. Also, if it takes each person 30 minutes, how many minutes are in the line ahead of you??

all for a 2nd gen phone? I mean, its nice and all, even with the plastic back instead of the metal one, and oh yeah, how pissed are they going to be when the 3G drops them like it does me..... hmm, perhaps it will speed up getting some decent cell coverage around here and my blackjack won't feel like such a boat anchor.

Oh, and I'm not saying the iPhone doesn't rock - it totally does. But why do you need it day one, when you could have had one any time over the last year (up until June, when they stopped selling the 1st gen) with a better backplate, a better activation system, and a more reliable (around these parts anyhow) network? I'm so hoping Phillip decides to upgrade, I'd take his old one in a heartbeat.


Spork In the Eye said...

I dont either, but I am not a phone nerd. I spent too many years being required to carry one to care about them much.

I guess 3G will get you EVDO type bandwidth... so you can download pictures to see on a 2 inch screen in nothing flat. (EVDO rocks. We get 800k in the boonies and folks in the big cities get > 1M).

... and for your viewing pleasure, here are the top 10 reasons to not care:

Kari said...

I don't get it, either. Apparently my sister, who uses an ancient cell phone, stood in line over night to get one for my niece. It *is* a birthday gift, but sheesh! I bet they'll still be selling iPhones in a few more days, with a much shorter wait.